I want to let you all know that I did get a chance to make it to the Ruby Dee & The Snakehandlers Show. Just as expected, they were upbeat fun Honky Tonk music. They were perfect for live music. I only got a chance to make it to the last set of the night because I had a party to attend to.
This party was ridiculous. First drink beer, then finish one beer and then open a new beer. Second, duct tape empty beer to the bottom of the full new beer. By the time I had shown up my friends had big staffs and were claiming to be level 10 wizards. Then they proceeded to staff fight. I finally decided to leave because it was starting to wind down, and I wanted to catch the last set of Ruby Dee. So, as leaving there were two really tall guys staff fighting that ended with the ripping of staffs and wrestling. The funny thing happened with the piece of broken staff being used as a projectile “fireball”. The amazing thing is that these people don’t play magic or D and D so they have no clue what they were talking about.
Now, back to the Ruby Dee show. There were a couple covers of songs, a nice mix of fast danceable music. Sprinkled in between the line dancing were slow songs. It would have actually been a nice show to have my Wifey at, but she was asleep at home. During the fast songs they mixed it up and gave the musicians their own solo. The Guitarist jumped off stage and got crowd interaction with a beautiful solo that could be described as nothing less than Keith Urban esc. Some of you might be doubting my judgment right now because Keith Urban makes pussy music, but he is an absolutely amazing guitar player. I know because I saw him open for Kenny back before he was well known and doing “tonight I wanna cry” songs. Next to go off was the Bass Guitar, how do you do a Bass Guitar solo and make it sound good you ask? Go to Ruby Dee show. Obviously, the drummer solo was good, but usually if you are good enough to get a drum solo it’s going to be great, because that’s what drummers do. I wasn’t impressed enough to buy a CD, simply because usually, unless your George Strait, this type of music does not translate well into CD music. I made it there late enough to where the crowd was either non existent or had died down enough so I could belly up and enjoy a couple rounds. It was very nice.
This weekend’s band at The Hen is “Big Trouble” (BigTimeTrouble.com). They are a mainstay here and definitely should be. They are a cover band. They perform here a lot because why shouldn’t you when you can on command play every single person in the bar’s favorite song. Whether is it “Honk if You’re Honky Tonk” by Strait or “The Thrill is Gone” by BB King. I love bands like this because it gets rowdy, everyone knows the song and everyone is just having a great time. How can you go wrong?

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