Tuesday, April 29, 2008


F this new owner. This is GARBAGE!

Here is a google Document that me and my boys put together that we will submit to the local newspapers. http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcrnj78h_26csqkt8ft&invite=hk4zthj

If it starts getting to many hits and people start messing with it in a bad way it will be removed.

I doubt that I need to say who this is from:

I am not leaving by choice. I would never do that. I am part of the
cleaning up I guess that the new owner is doing. I am just devastated
by this whole thing. 17 years of dedication and hard work, poof,
gone. One day the bathroom gets painted and the next the employees go
out with the trash. The hard part was being assured I had a job and
then it all goes away. I was totally unprepared to get this news.

Hopefully I can stop crying by Wednesday.

Rally the troops and hopefully my last night will be a good one.
Dress in black or something. Wish I would have had time to get
t-shirts made up. Damn.

Thanks for your support baby and for the valued friendship over the years.

The Hen Crew will be there on Wed IN BLACK. Buying nothing but water, tippin the hell outta Connie. F the NEW OWNER. Time to hit him RIGHT IN THE WALLET as Chris would say.

I'm actually having a hard time getting worked up and pissed b/c it breaks my heart so much... Connie we will definately miss you! I hope you get to read this.
Seriously, the only reason why we can't think of another place to go to is because Connie poured her heart and soul for 17 years making that the BEST place to hang out. We will just have to MAKE another option. as Tij says, "i would've skipped every other night of the week in ugrad if i had to so i could go to the hen on wednesdays.
i did actually. more than a few times.
the beer was cold and the company great and lets face it connie is a fuckin hoot."

Words cannot express what was done last night.


Anonymous said...

you should go to all those sites that review bars and say your piece

Unknown said...

Bartenders DON'T OWN THE BAR! None of us know exactly what happened but I'll bet that the new owner wanted to make some changes and Connie started making noise about them. Maybe she told the owner that he should listen to her because she knew the Hen customers better than the owner did.

The fact is she was an employee (regardless of how long she worked there) and the owner may have felt he didn't need anyone working for him who didn't support his changes 100%.

Yes Connie was part of the atmosphere there and a freindly face we all got to know. But I also enjoy the bands, the karaoke, the location and the comfort of the place. Just because someone who served me drinks leaves does not change everything else I enjoy about the Hen. Someone else can bring me my beer.