F this new owner. This is GARBAGE!
Here is a google Document that me and my boys put together that we will submit to the local newspapers. http://docs.google.com/Doc?id=dcrnj78h_26csqkt8ft&invite=hk4zthj
If it starts getting to many hits and people start messing with it in a bad way it will be removed.
I doubt that I need to say who this is from:
I am not leaving by choice. I would never do that. I am part of the
cleaning up I guess that the new owner is doing. I am just devastated
by this whole thing. 17 years of dedication and hard work, poof,
gone. One day the bathroom gets painted and the next the employees go
out with the trash. The hard part was being assured I had a job and
then it all goes away. I was totally unprepared to get this news.
Hopefully I can stop crying by Wednesday.
Rally the troops and hopefully my last night will be a good one.
Dress in black or something. Wish I would have had time to get
t-shirts made up. Damn.
Thanks for your support baby and for the valued friendship over the years.
The Hen Crew will be there on Wed IN BLACK. Buying nothing but water, tippin the hell outta Connie. F the NEW OWNER. Time to hit him RIGHT IN THE WALLET as Chris would say.
I'm actually having a hard time getting worked up and pissed b/c it breaks my heart so much... Connie we will definately miss you! I hope you get to read this.
Seriously, the only reason why we can't think of another place to go to is because Connie poured her heart and soul for 17 years making that the BEST place to hang out. We will just have to MAKE another option. as Tij says, "i would've skipped every other night of the week in ugrad if i had to so i could go to the hen on wednesdays.
i did actually. more than a few times.
the beer was cold and the company great and lets face it connie is a fuckin hoot."
Words cannot express what was done last night.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sad Day
And with a heavy heart I bear the news that has hit our community today.
With a new owner, suspiciously Connie’s last two days working at the hen are tonight / tomorrow. She will no longer work there after Wed. The 30th of April. In an email she wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Connie *********
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:49 AM
Subject: say goodbye to Connie
Connie Is Moving On'
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - April 29th & 30th
I am saddened beyond words to be leaving,
I would be honored to have the chance to say farewell to you if you
are able to stop in
sure will miss being at the Red Hen for all the fun and frivolity and
great music
it's like being at a party every day
Thank You One And All For All The Experiences
There will be an official "going away" party on Friday Night May 16th
@ The Little Red Hen Of Course
After some investigation by Chris it is found that her Daughter is not very happy about it. Meaning, she was more than likely let go. If this is the case, the “home base” is Home base no longer. *she was let go* this will no longer be Home Base. And besides to see Knut Bell I will probably never set foot in that bar unless Connie is serving me.
Connie you will be missed by us all... you are wonderful. I even said so in a previous blog!

More to come… once Connie emails us
With a new owner, suspiciously Connie’s last two days working at the hen are tonight / tomorrow. She will no longer work there after Wed. The 30th of April. In an email she wrote:
----- Original Message -----
From: Connie *********
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:49 AM
Subject: say goodbye to Connie
Connie Is Moving On'
TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY - April 29th & 30th
I am saddened beyond words to be leaving,
I would be honored to have the chance to say farewell to you if you
are able to stop in
sure will miss being at the Red Hen for all the fun and frivolity and
great music
it's like being at a party every day
Thank You One And All For All The Experiences
There will be an official "going away" party on Friday Night May 16th
@ The Little Red Hen Of Course
After some investigation by Chris it is found that her Daughter is not very happy about it. Meaning, she was more than likely let go. If this is the case, the “home base” is Home base no longer. *she was let go* this will no longer be Home Base. And besides to see Knut Bell I will probably never set foot in that bar unless Connie is serving me.
Connie you will be missed by us all... you are wonderful. I even said so in a previous blog!

More to come… once Connie emails us
Monday, April 28, 2008
What a hiatus I’ve had. I have not posted since Friday April 11th, 2008. It is now Monday the 28th. So, where I left off…
Big Trouble. Wow, I couldn’t tell if they were having going to have a heart attack or another drink. These guys were old, and for some reason every one of their cover songs was tweaked just enough to make it not very enjoyable. I hate slamming people, and I believe that I went a little over board on this one so I’ll end that here. They have been around for a long time at the Hen.
The following weekend I made it out for the Joe Slick Band. It was my old roommate Ryan’s Wife’s Birthday! Hooray Lisa!!!! Happy Birthday!

Bad A$$ is what that was. Doing some covers, a little of this and a little of that. Upbeat, Fun, and to the point. I would recommend seeing them at least once more if not a lot more. Both weekends were spent with a couple good friends and my beautiful Wifey. She is an amazing woman and has loved me for a long time…

Now onto May, 2008. BIG month for me. I will not be able to attend a single show at the hen this month. I will be busy for the first weekend, second weekend is Alan Jackson concert in Vancouver, Canada, then my cousin’s wedding in Boise, and then Vegas with the Wifey. Fun times, good times, and busy times.
Speaking of Vegas. The Friday that I leave for Vegas Friday 23rd May, 2008. Knut Bell and the Blue Collars (knutbell.com) will be playing at the Little Red Hen. As any of you who know me can attest this kills me. I wish I would have scheduled my flight for Sat Morning. He is one of my favorite Country artists and has been giving Trent Willmon a run for his money as of late. Please anyone who likes country music go to the show and enjoy the hell outta yourself. The website of his hasn’t been updated for a year and a half even though it says it’s on its way. But you can Myspace search for him. Which also hasn’t been updated as of December ish. If you want his music before hand, give me a call and I’ll let you borrow his CD until the concert. But no stealing… buy your own damnit! Believe me there wont be much of this going on

But a lot of this

He will be Wicked, Awnry, Mean N nasty and THE best show. Eat some Gizzards N Beer and enjoy the show. P.S. Chris and Bradwin will you take some pictures for me?
Till next time. Probably an update after Man weekend in Canada for Alan Jackson.
Peace, YITB, and CAB
What a hiatus I’ve had. I have not posted since Friday April 11th, 2008. It is now Monday the 28th. So, where I left off…
Big Trouble. Wow, I couldn’t tell if they were having going to have a heart attack or another drink. These guys were old, and for some reason every one of their cover songs was tweaked just enough to make it not very enjoyable. I hate slamming people, and I believe that I went a little over board on this one so I’ll end that here. They have been around for a long time at the Hen.
The following weekend I made it out for the Joe Slick Band. It was my old roommate Ryan’s Wife’s Birthday! Hooray Lisa!!!! Happy Birthday!

Bad A$$ is what that was. Doing some covers, a little of this and a little of that. Upbeat, Fun, and to the point. I would recommend seeing them at least once more if not a lot more. Both weekends were spent with a couple good friends and my beautiful Wifey. She is an amazing woman and has loved me for a long time…

Now onto May, 2008. BIG month for me. I will not be able to attend a single show at the hen this month. I will be busy for the first weekend, second weekend is Alan Jackson concert in Vancouver, Canada, then my cousin’s wedding in Boise, and then Vegas with the Wifey. Fun times, good times, and busy times.
Speaking of Vegas. The Friday that I leave for Vegas Friday 23rd May, 2008. Knut Bell and the Blue Collars (knutbell.com) will be playing at the Little Red Hen. As any of you who know me can attest this kills me. I wish I would have scheduled my flight for Sat Morning. He is one of my favorite Country artists and has been giving Trent Willmon a run for his money as of late. Please anyone who likes country music go to the show and enjoy the hell outta yourself. The website of his hasn’t been updated for a year and a half even though it says it’s on its way. But you can Myspace search for him. Which also hasn’t been updated as of December ish. If you want his music before hand, give me a call and I’ll let you borrow his CD until the concert. But no stealing… buy your own damnit! Believe me there wont be much of this going on

But a lot of this

He will be Wicked, Awnry, Mean N nasty and THE best show. Eat some Gizzards N Beer and enjoy the show. P.S. Chris and Bradwin will you take some pictures for me?
Till next time. Probably an update after Man weekend in Canada for Alan Jackson.
Peace, YITB, and CAB
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hello Everyone,
I forgot to mention. Kell's is a shitty bar downtown, and if you get to go to it... DON't. Unless!!!!!! it's Kelsi's Birthday, she lights up a room like nobodys business, and is definately a blast to hang out with. It's not so much the bar she's hanging out at, it's that you get to hang out with her. That being said, she isn't turning a year older this weekend, and I will be attending Big Trouble tonight. Friday. April. 11th. (http://seattlecountry.blogspot.com/2008/04/ruby-dee-snake-handlers.html) <-- from earlier blog
Booyah Little Red Hen, Booyah.
Kelsi left
Nic right
I forgot to mention. Kell's is a shitty bar downtown, and if you get to go to it... DON't. Unless!!!!!! it's Kelsi's Birthday, she lights up a room like nobodys business, and is definately a blast to hang out with. It's not so much the bar she's hanging out at, it's that you get to hang out with her. That being said, she isn't turning a year older this weekend, and I will be attending Big Trouble tonight. Friday. April. 11th. (http://seattlecountry.blogspot.com/2008/04/ruby-dee-snake-handlers.html) <-- from earlier blog
Booyah Little Red Hen, Booyah.
Kelsi left

Concert Update:
So far I have a brief list of concerts I will be attending this year. Most of the summer concerts haven’t been announced yet so this list is far from complete.
May 10th Alan Jackson – Vancouver BC:
My friends and I decided a nice little road trip up to Canada would be a nice change of pace. My wife didn’t want to go because we have a VERY FULL month of May. We made it a “guys weekend” and will be limiting it to 5 people (already have the list) who will be piling in the back of my Bronco with the top off and driving up, piling in a hotel room and having a helluva time. We decided that since I’m married I don’t want to have to take my ring off, and all the other guys except Richy are single, so that leaves Richy to be the “bachelor”. No he’s not really getting married, but if you have the opportunity, you MUST have a bachelor party on guy’s weekend. Look out people, this ones going to be one for the ages. Along with that Alan’s new CD is amazing, and I want to cross him off “my list” of people I haven’t seen and MUST.
July 11th Pat Green – Seattle (showbox):
He used to be a lot more “TX underground” but then got his big break with Wave on Wave and others. I really am hit and miss with this guy. He is an amazing artist and I love TX dirt country, but some of his songs hit me as TX country mixed with Dave Mathews. Nonetheless, this will be amazing and I cannot think of a better way to spend July 11th (Friday) night.
August 16th (Sat) Cash’d Out – Seattle (Tractor Tavern):
I really love this venue, and I really love Johnny Cash. This is a tribute (cover) band to the late and great man in black. If you cannot get excited for this show, then click the “x” on the top right of the screen.

I guess that is really not very angry for a cash picture, but we are having a great time!!!!!

September 20th David Allan Coe – Napavine (Napavine amphitheatre):
Classic nasty country, and by nasty I mean he gets down right crude. My friends and I had a blast listening to some of his disgusting music in college. These nights usually consisted of a can of dip, Jack Daniels, broken fish tanks, broken faces, broken knuckles, brick wall fights, etc, the list could really go on forever. I really look forward to going to this show with friends new and old, and staying at my mom’s farm on the way. New and old friends are fun and there is nothing more fun that being on my mom’s farm. The two mix perfectly for a really fun time.
Those are all we have planned so far. I would really love to see Jason Aldean, Halfway to Hazard, Kenny, Tim, etc but they are all scheduled for Tuesdays or Wednesday, WHO DOES THAT?! People have to work! I cannot take two days off work to go to a show in southern Washington in the middle of the week. Boo on them. I will really miss seeing Aldean, and Halfway to Hazard.
Brooks and Dunn, with ZZ top and Rodney Adtkins!
One of the better concerts announced so far. They only have the dates up so far, but tickets go on sale this Sat. April 12th. Learn about it!
So far I have a brief list of concerts I will be attending this year. Most of the summer concerts haven’t been announced yet so this list is far from complete.
May 10th Alan Jackson – Vancouver BC:
My friends and I decided a nice little road trip up to Canada would be a nice change of pace. My wife didn’t want to go because we have a VERY FULL month of May. We made it a “guys weekend” and will be limiting it to 5 people (already have the list) who will be piling in the back of my Bronco with the top off and driving up, piling in a hotel room and having a helluva time. We decided that since I’m married I don’t want to have to take my ring off, and all the other guys except Richy are single, so that leaves Richy to be the “bachelor”. No he’s not really getting married, but if you have the opportunity, you MUST have a bachelor party on guy’s weekend. Look out people, this ones going to be one for the ages. Along with that Alan’s new CD is amazing, and I want to cross him off “my list” of people I haven’t seen and MUST.
July 11th Pat Green – Seattle (showbox):
He used to be a lot more “TX underground” but then got his big break with Wave on Wave and others. I really am hit and miss with this guy. He is an amazing artist and I love TX dirt country, but some of his songs hit me as TX country mixed with Dave Mathews. Nonetheless, this will be amazing and I cannot think of a better way to spend July 11th (Friday) night.
August 16th (Sat) Cash’d Out – Seattle (Tractor Tavern):
I really love this venue, and I really love Johnny Cash. This is a tribute (cover) band to the late and great man in black. If you cannot get excited for this show, then click the “x” on the top right of the screen.

I guess that is really not very angry for a cash picture, but we are having a great time!!!!!

September 20th David Allan Coe – Napavine (Napavine amphitheatre):
Classic nasty country, and by nasty I mean he gets down right crude. My friends and I had a blast listening to some of his disgusting music in college. These nights usually consisted of a can of dip, Jack Daniels, broken fish tanks, broken faces, broken knuckles, brick wall fights, etc, the list could really go on forever. I really look forward to going to this show with friends new and old, and staying at my mom’s farm on the way. New and old friends are fun and there is nothing more fun that being on my mom’s farm. The two mix perfectly for a really fun time.
Those are all we have planned so far. I would really love to see Jason Aldean, Halfway to Hazard, Kenny, Tim, etc but they are all scheduled for Tuesdays or Wednesday, WHO DOES THAT?! People have to work! I cannot take two days off work to go to a show in southern Washington in the middle of the week. Boo on them. I will really miss seeing Aldean, and Halfway to Hazard.
Brooks and Dunn, with ZZ top and Rodney Adtkins!
One of the better concerts announced so far. They only have the dates up so far, but tickets go on sale this Sat. April 12th. Learn about it!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Ruby Dee & The Snake Handlers
Hello guys,
I want to let you all know that I did get a chance to make it to the Ruby Dee & The Snakehandlers Show. Just as expected, they were upbeat fun Honky Tonk music. They were perfect for live music. I only got a chance to make it to the last set of the night because I had a party to attend to.
This party was ridiculous. First drink beer, then finish one beer and then open a new beer. Second, duct tape empty beer to the bottom of the full new beer. By the time I had shown up my friends had big staffs and were claiming to be level 10 wizards. Then they proceeded to staff fight. I finally decided to leave because it was starting to wind down, and I wanted to catch the last set of Ruby Dee. So, as leaving there were two really tall guys staff fighting that ended with the ripping of staffs and wrestling. The funny thing happened with the piece of broken staff being used as a projectile “fireball”. The amazing thing is that these people don’t play magic or D and D so they have no clue what they were talking about.
Now, back to the Ruby Dee show. There were a couple covers of songs, a nice mix of fast danceable music. Sprinkled in between the line dancing were slow songs. It would have actually been a nice show to have my Wifey at, but she was asleep at home. During the fast songs they mixed it up and gave the musicians their own solo. The Guitarist jumped off stage and got crowd interaction with a beautiful solo that could be described as nothing less than Keith Urban esc. Some of you might be doubting my judgment right now because Keith Urban makes pussy music, but he is an absolutely amazing guitar player. I know because I saw him open for Kenny back before he was well known and doing “tonight I wanna cry” songs. Next to go off was the Bass Guitar, how do you do a Bass Guitar solo and make it sound good you ask? Go to Ruby Dee show. Obviously, the drummer solo was good, but usually if you are good enough to get a drum solo it’s going to be great, because that’s what drummers do. I wasn’t impressed enough to buy a CD, simply because usually, unless your George Strait, this type of music does not translate well into CD music. I made it there late enough to where the crowd was either non existent or had died down enough so I could belly up and enjoy a couple rounds. It was very nice.
This weekend’s band at The Hen is “Big Trouble” (BigTimeTrouble.com). They are a mainstay here and definitely should be. They are a cover band. They perform here a lot because why shouldn’t you when you can on command play every single person in the bar’s favorite song. Whether is it “Honk if You’re Honky Tonk” by Strait or “The Thrill is Gone” by BB King. I love bands like this because it gets rowdy, everyone knows the song and everyone is just having a great time. How can you go wrong?
I want to let you all know that I did get a chance to make it to the Ruby Dee & The Snakehandlers Show. Just as expected, they were upbeat fun Honky Tonk music. They were perfect for live music. I only got a chance to make it to the last set of the night because I had a party to attend to.
This party was ridiculous. First drink beer, then finish one beer and then open a new beer. Second, duct tape empty beer to the bottom of the full new beer. By the time I had shown up my friends had big staffs and were claiming to be level 10 wizards. Then they proceeded to staff fight. I finally decided to leave because it was starting to wind down, and I wanted to catch the last set of Ruby Dee. So, as leaving there were two really tall guys staff fighting that ended with the ripping of staffs and wrestling. The funny thing happened with the piece of broken staff being used as a projectile “fireball”. The amazing thing is that these people don’t play magic or D and D so they have no clue what they were talking about.
Now, back to the Ruby Dee show. There were a couple covers of songs, a nice mix of fast danceable music. Sprinkled in between the line dancing were slow songs. It would have actually been a nice show to have my Wifey at, but she was asleep at home. During the fast songs they mixed it up and gave the musicians their own solo. The Guitarist jumped off stage and got crowd interaction with a beautiful solo that could be described as nothing less than Keith Urban esc. Some of you might be doubting my judgment right now because Keith Urban makes pussy music, but he is an absolutely amazing guitar player. I know because I saw him open for Kenny back before he was well known and doing “tonight I wanna cry” songs. Next to go off was the Bass Guitar, how do you do a Bass Guitar solo and make it sound good you ask? Go to Ruby Dee show. Obviously, the drummer solo was good, but usually if you are good enough to get a drum solo it’s going to be great, because that’s what drummers do. I wasn’t impressed enough to buy a CD, simply because usually, unless your George Strait, this type of music does not translate well into CD music. I made it there late enough to where the crowd was either non existent or had died down enough so I could belly up and enjoy a couple rounds. It was very nice.
This weekend’s band at The Hen is “Big Trouble” (BigTimeTrouble.com). They are a mainstay here and definitely should be. They are a cover band. They perform here a lot because why shouldn’t you when you can on command play every single person in the bar’s favorite song. Whether is it “Honk if You’re Honky Tonk” by Strait or “The Thrill is Gone” by BB King. I love bands like this because it gets rowdy, everyone knows the song and everyone is just having a great time. How can you go wrong?

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