Tuesday, July 8, 2008

KNUT BELL!!!!!!!!!!

That was a lot of Knut Bell (knutbell.com) packed into a tight package.
The aforementioned concert definitely went down like that…
Good handshake, man’s man, cheap drinks, shout out and boner… and YES Marty was there.

I had a great 4th of July, hung out on the boat with Chrissy’s parents, watched some fireworks… the usual. Then on the 5th, my mom came to join me for the weekend. We went to the Seattle Beer Festival. We were late, because we hit up “Prost” with Anthony and some friends and passed around 3 ½ Boots, and had liters. Then we got our first beer at the festival and walked up to hear the last 3 songs from Knut. Good, good, and good. Now I’m a HUGE fan of intense songs like Chicken Gizzards, or Wicked Awnry Mean ‘N’ Nasty, etc etc. But Knut wrapped it up nicely with “Yakima Girls” which is definitely a fun song. After the 3 song end of the concert set, we proceeded to get 1 ticket 4 OZ beers till the end. By the time we showed up to the Little Red Hen (Yes, I know I’d never go there again, but my one condition was Knut Bell playing) it was and still is a haze.
I remember hearing a song or something.
I remember being cut off.
I remember Storey closing my tab.
I remember dancing with my mom to family tradition.
I remember leaving “Beth’s CafĂ©” cause they were being HUGE D BAGS.
I remember going to Shari’s, and playing Credit Card Roulette with Storey and losing.
I remember getting outta Marty’s car and going into the apartment.

What a night! What a show (2 of ‘em)! And what a weekend.

Next up for this upcoming weekend is going to be Pat Green at the Showbox. Tickets are ~20, and well worth it. Hopefully he doesn’t play to much of his D-bag stuff and more great stuff like “college”.

See ya’ll then!

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