Not to surpass the "concert"s merits, but you can get drinks for uber-cheap at the Anchor Pub. Jim bought a round of two beers and a redbull-vodka for $7 - that's like paying normal price for a redbull-vodka in yuppie town, and getting the beers for free!
I can't pretend to recite the set list like Nic has done in the past, but the band put on a good show, and Jim and I proceeded to get extremely intoxicated on our cheap ass drinks. Knut has an amazing deep voice, and rattles off lyrics stylisticly similar to the late Johnny Cash. I think he may have even done a Cash cover, but as the night wore on my drunkenness affected my memory.
When we arrived (and before we discovered the cheap drinks) Knut was on a set break and Nic introduced us all - honestly, a good firm handshake goes a long way in my sliding-scale of respect, and Knut is definitely a man's man. We shot the shit for a few minutes and then the band reassembled. I have heard a few of thier songs - and some were even recognizable: especially toward the end of that set when Knut gave Nic a shoutout and played "Chicken Gizzards and Ice-Cold Beer." I think Nic got a little chubby as a result. I'll leave it to Nic to round out the review; I also have to give a quick shoutout to Marty, who was at the whole concert, and bought me a couple rounds to boot!
P.S. It is time for the summer/BBQ version of this:

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