He played a little of his music, which was great! He played a some classics, and even gave a shout out to the 'Man in Black' on Johnny Cash's Birthday.
I had a wine party to go to at Brian Wishan's house before, so I was a bit late to the party. Bradwin, Cappello, and Hot Brian were just leaving. I did get to hang with Kyle and Chels, JJ, and a couple Psi U's for a while before they left (Omer, Joe, John, Moultray).
So, the thing that always impresses me much, and I've mentioned it before so it's nothing new, is that Nathan can go and do a cash song right after an ACDC song... REALLY?!?!?!

He is so dynamic and is able to adapt to pretty much any situation. Kudos to you my friend.

Favorite line from the night was walking in the door and head over to the table. "What's up NIC BERRY!" comes from the speakers. JJ looks over, "I don't think I've ever gotten a response like that from walking into a bar!"
Well JJ, I'm about to be 2 for 2 cuase I'm seeing another great band tonight at the Hen.... Knut Bell. WOOT!
One last note about Nathan, his CD is dropping on March 8th (Monday) deets here: http://www.nathanarneson.com/iWeb/Nathan%20Arneson%20Band/www.nathanarneson.com.html
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