Friday, March 5, 2010

Knut Bell Tonight (Friday March 5, 2010)

Knut is at the Little Red Hen (LRH)

Excited much? YES I AM!

Kyle and I are going to "half assed drink" since Angel said that's the only thing that we never do half assed. :)

I would love to see yeah all there!

Knut Bell and the Blue Collars!

Knut Bell - "6 Days" Live from Knut Bell on Vimeo.

As Ricky Bobby would say... If you don't like Knut Bell, then FUCK YOU!

Knut as described a thousand times can rock out some mean bassy music. He's got a distinctive voice, and by distinctive, I mean very similar to Johnny Cash. It's amazing! Rather than just covering all night though he brings so much more to the table than just Johnny songs. It truly is an amazing show. Hits such as:
Chicken Gizzards and Ice Cold Beer
Wicked Ornery, Mean and Nasty
Folsom Prison
Will always make for a rowdy fun night.
So hit me up if you are going to be there and we can cheers some longnecks!


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