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Pat effin Green… Pat effin Green… Pat effin Green… Pat effin Green…
What a great show. To be at a show that small and see someone that big is always great you know, but the energy that he brings, MAN. I haven’t seen someone so happy and comfortable with himself that he’s “made it”. People know who he is, and he has a strong fan base. He’s set. At a lot of all ages shows they do not serve alcohol… THANK GOD they did. I just love drinking. I also love hanging out with my best friends. I love hanging out with my wife. I love hanging out with new friends… and I absolutely am infatuated with doing them all at the same time!
Chrissy and I were running a little late b/c we had to stop by Northgate AT&T to get our new iphones. They are not in stock unless you get there early in the morning, so we put in to have some shipped… 5-10 business days… yada yada yada. So, done with that, change, pick up Torrie at her condo on Greenlake, and take off in the Bronco with the top off. The perfect summer vehicle, no if, and, or buts about it. Head down to Cappello’s place and have a couple brews, listen to some country and realize that we are too late to start a BBQ. So, Tom cooks us all a corndog. Plow through that and all 7 of us pile into the BKO (Bronco) 2 in front, 3 in back seat and two sitting in the very back against the tailgate. Theme song of the night: “Good Time” by AJ. We blasted that whenever we could, loud and proud.
We get to the concert, 7 of us pile out and go stand in line. There we see the hottest of Asians, Hot Brian. There is nothing more funny than T9 messing up the name Brian and giving a 6’7” White Military man the nickname of Asian. So the rowdy crowd is Wifey, Tori, Cappello, Chris’ friend, Tom. Storey, Hot Asian, Addy, and me. This is going to be great. Get into the show, and whadda you know… Nathan is playing in his new band opening for Pat effin Green. Nathan (http://nathanchance.com/) is our old Karaoke Dj from the hen when we use to go there. AMAZING singer with good crisp vocals, he can belt out anything from Toby Keith to ACDC. He is the one in the picture with me in the Seattle Magazine Best Happy Hour edition.
Speaking of ACDC, he followed up some great normal country, and some stuff off their album with a nice rendition of a little ACDC. When Nathan sings it shakes me all night long, almost as much as the PBR Tall boys, or the shots of Hornitos. During the in between part we meet up with my best friend in the world, John Bradwin and his wife Mary Kelly, and to my surprise!!!!!!!! Rogers in town for a wedding!!!!!!
Now, Roger (MK’s dad and John’s father in-law) is a great man. He is not only a good ol’ boy who likes to kick it like the rest of us… but he also came to my Bachelor Party. That alone should tell you how much of a fun loving guy he is. Mix that with the commanding respect demeanor of a retired colonel and you have one HELL of a man. I cannot wait for my Bachelor Party Reunion Tour next year to have a beer and a dirty love burger with this man.
John, MK, Colonel, Jim, Tori, Chrissy, and I have some brews, shots… little of this little of that and then the show starts. I’m not the hugest fan ever, but I sure do enjoy me some Pat Green. I’ll leave Bradwin to the actual set details but lets just say we all rocked out, slow danced with the wifey, got some great pics of my wife being a drunk bond girl… and just plain ol had a blast. Look forward to seeing everyone soon at:
Tues, Aug. 12
Square Peg Concerts presents
8:30pm ~ $12adv/$15dos
Tickets available from TicketWeb & TicketMaster