the long awaited 3/4 of the story...
Sorry for the long delay and the sporadic at best updates. I have been on a whirlwind of travel and decided to update before I go for round two.
So, it all started with the “man weekend’ in Canada for the Alan Jackson concert. The trip started out for all intents and purposes in Marysville. Now I’m not going to tell you if we pounded all of them or broke some laws but our driver was 100% sober and the 4 of us finished 41 beers from Marysville to Vancouver. Fun times fun times. We picked up my soon to be uncle and his buddies in Bellingham on our way up to throw his impromptu Bachelor Party! What a great combination this made. Alan Jackson, Beautiful women, Bachelor Party, and some great friends to boot.
Right after the border we get the “dude, I gotta go” look and talk from Danny. We didn’t have anywhere to stop… so he had to pinch it off… AFTER finishing a 32oz. Gatorade bottle!!!!!!!

So, after finishing the “lets black out Danny game” (seriously, you have to try this game… it’s so much fun) we made it, finally parked, unloaded and made a drink in the hotel room. This is where we met Johnny. They call him Johnny shots because upon entering the strip club (he was the first one in) there were freaking something like 15 Jaeger Bombs! (Went nicely with his new hair cut, but he wasn’t very jacked and tan) We honestly didn’t spend much time here because we had to get to the concert.
We get to the show and Nolan is hyped. We get into the show and we make it to our seats and just a couple rows up nobodies there. So we go up and chill and all sit together. Nolan finds some honeys with better seats and goes off with them. He comes back to tell us about it and let’s lose (video in a previous post) so we move a little to the side to get away from it, and he goes back down to his “seats”. Miranda finally gets off stage and Richy and I hurry down for some more beers (you can actually see the stage in beer line and take your beers to your seats!) and on comes AJ. Seriously, who’s better than AJ? I mean I have my prejudice about whom I like better, but I mean Garth, and Strait are the only reasonable arguments for who’s better than AJ. He plays his normal stuff and quickly gets into Drive. Arguably one of his best songs EVER. I was belting it out, it was beautiful live. Everything was great. He sang some love songs, and I started to think about my woman just long enough to tell her I loved her and missed her. And then right back into man weekend with some “good times” man this is one of my new favorite songs for sure. Now, not that I care, cause I stood there with my hat over my heart saluting with my buddies, but in his Encore he ended the night with “Where were you” and the Canadians just looked at us like “HUH?” didn’t understand why we were saluting, the song meant absolutely nothing to them and just kinda bummed em out. HEHEHE.
I guess I will end this blog with: