Friday, May 23, 2008

Nic here...

yeah yeah.. I've been lazy with No Alan Jackson updates. Believe me they are coming.

On the agenda is that I'm flying out tonight at 8:34 to VEGAS!!!! woowoo... unfortunatly the greatest show of the year is tonight.. and I wont be able to attend. It is at the place we will not go anymore. The Hen. This however as I said in earlier blog is the one exception I'll make. Knut Bell. His website is down right now so I cannot direct you there. He doesn't have access to his myspace right now, but you can still myspace music search "knut bell" and he's the top submission click on that and listen to a couple of his songs. The first song to play is "Wicked, Awnry, Mean N Nasty"

Seriously, don't go to the hen... but please do attend Knut tonight... He has taken or at least tied my top spot of favorites right along with Trent Willmon. Rounding out my top 5 to:
1. Knut Bell / Trent Willmon
2. George Straight
3. Alan Jackson

after that it starts to get a little hairy. If it's live I love Dirks Bently / Eric Church. If not live (since I've never heard live) would be Ray Scott, Trace Atkins, Brooks N Dunn, etc.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

At my request...

Nic added me to the Seattle Country blog! I'm excited to share my biased opinions on music and life and share some fun new (and old) artists with y'all!

Here is the spiel i tried to put in my profile "about me" section, but wrote too much to fit:

"I'm passionate about music, I really like it all: raised on CCR, the Moody Blues and the Beach Boys, with some Michael Jackson, Clapton and Satriani thrown in the mix. I've got respect for all genres of music. My teenage years witnessed the birth of Seattle grunge and I developed an affinity for punk rawk - Bad Religion, NOFX, Pulley, Pennywise, Reel Big Fish, et cetera. Currently I've moved back toward my youth and love for rock'n'roll - with a focus on Southern rock.

My path to southern rock was not direct, I have spent the last decade learning and appreciating the nuances of country music. Country as a genre incorporates everything I love in music - amazing vocals, the sound of acoustic guitar (a weakness of mine), and a variety of subject matter that varies from the "In Da Club" genre. ...and, thanks to a big, loud asian kid named Brandon I made the switch to "countrified" early in my college career.

The southern trend stems from the movement in Texas country toward "red-dirt" style music - it started under the country umbrella but has established itself more in the vein of icons like CCR, Elvis and Lynyrd Skynyrd. This is cyclical for me, having grown up with these names under my parents' roof and finding new artists like Johnny Cooper, Cross Canadian Ragweed, Jason Boland and the Eli Young Band that remind me of rockin' out with my pops. Even my favorite 'true country' man - Gary Allan is credited in the Texas music scene - with influences from all across the South; from his hometown in southern Cal, to Texas, to Nashville."
I forgot to mention I like this dude too - Neal McCoy (of "redneck yacht club" fame), here's a little sample of his new single "Rednectified" - feels like summer to me!!

Hopin' to see you all soon!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Just got back from the Alan Jackson, Man weekend, especial! I am in total recovery mode after drinking till 6 am. So forgive my brief post. I just had to share this video that was taken at the concert. I didn't think you could sneak in video cameras. I was wrong becasue someone took some footage of my buddy Nolan at the concert. Watch till the end.

BTW the concert F in rocked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my later posts will include the old guy shuffle, the beat down, and other details about country music. g'night